Three-dimensional scanning of the cornea by using a structured light module
J. Barrios, M. Morón, C. Barrios, R. Contreras, A. González, J. Meneses
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V50 - N4 / 2017 Ordinario
Three-dimensional scanning, corneal surface, optometry.
Corneal topography is a computerized diagnostic tool that creates a three-dimensional map of the surface of the cornea. Corneal topography provides tools needed to know the morphology, optics, power distribution and radii of the anterior surface of the cornea. This is of great help for multiple fields of optometry and ophthalmology: contact lens fitting, keratoconus detection and tracking and corneal ecstasies, detection of suspicious corneas in refractive surgery, etc. Although there are basically two types of corneal surveyors: specular reflection and elevation, many authors agree that the accuracy of these devices is affected by multiple factors, which obey both the mathematical process used and certain physiological variables. Three-dimensional (3D) scanning systems, consisting of devices based on a structured light module, are widely used to perform high-precision measurements in primarily industrial and medical applications. The present work is proposed to show the application of fringe projection technique in three-dimensional scanning of corneal surface.
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