Bio-speckle for microalgae growth monitoring in laboratory scale photobioreactor

G. G. Romero, A. C. Monaldi, D. O. Dominguez, A. V. Blanc, L. Moraña

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V50 - N2 / 2017 Ordinario







Biospleckle, microalgae growing, speckle activity, autocorrelation function, optical density


Microalgae are widely used in different industries - pharmaceutical, cosmetic, in those dealing with pollution prevention, aquaculture and especially biofuels. Because of the wide range of use, there is anactive interest in microalgae large-scale cultivation. Standard techniques for algae biomass production requires cultivation in nutritious culture media, and well-defined external parameters, such as controlled conditions of light intensity, temperature and aeration gas. Commercial production of microalgae is expensive, and the addition of nutrients in culture media contributes to its high cost. The evaluation of the quality of culture media using waste water effluents or agro-industrial waste can be a way to reduce algal cultures costs. This research aims to develop a noninvasive method for the testing of effectiveness of agro-industrial waste, previously treated, as culture media through daily monitoring of population increase microalgae. We found that it is possible to detect the growth of the microorganisms by using statistical cumulants as numerical approaches for analyzing the dynamic speckle patterns produced by samples of Chrorella Vulgaris algae cultivated in bold basal culture medium.



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