Propagation of the Four-Wave Mixing signal in a molecular system: stochastic considerations of the thermal bath

J. L. Paz, María Izquierdo, Luis G. Rodríguez and César Costa Vera

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V48 - N3 / 2015 Ordinario





Spanish / Español


propagation, four-wave mixing, stochastic effects.


This work studies the spatial propagation of the Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) signal of a molecular system (malachite green) with two electronic levels immersed in a thermal bath, under a perturbative treatment at all order in the pump field and to first order in the probe and signal fields. Using the Optical Stochastic Bloch Equations OSBE, we present three approximations, two of them with analytical solutions and the third with a numerical approach, where the effects of the variation of pump intensity through the path optical are considered. We compare these results with the analogous in absence of the thermal reservoir. The stochastic effects induced by the solvent, due to the experimental conditions as relaxation times, chemical concentration of the solution and optical frequencies of the fields, diminishes the intensity responses compared with the same in absence of the bath.



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