Single molecular-excitation propagation in one-dimensional optical lattices
V.C. Olaya-Agudelo, K. Rodríguez-Ramírez
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V52 - N2 / 2019 Ordinario
Atomic and molecular physics, coherent optical effects, ultracold collisions, electric dipole moments, polar molecules.
We study a LiCs strongly-interacting molecular gas loaded on an one-dimensional optical lattice keeping one particle per site. The molecules are in the lowest electronic and vibrational (?=0) state, ?1?. Here, coherent transfers of rotational excitations (N={0,1}) along the lattice are shown for several lattice sizes and initial conditions. Due to the large intermolecular distance and low filling, the dipole-dipole interaction in the nearest-neighbor approximation governs the dynamics of the rotational excitations. For low field strengths, the full set of internal rotational projections must be taken into account. The generated von Neumann entanglement entropy throughout the dynamics of the energy transfer are also presented. A monotonic growth for short times and a saturation towards the steady regime is observed, showing the potential of these molecular systems to be used in quantum information protocols. The numerical simulations are performed by means of the Time-Evolving Block Decimation algorithm based on the Matrix Product State formalism and the Susuki-Trotter decomposition.
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